The app is about to launch is offering free access to a limit with all features,I need your feedback

Rose lee
11 replies, The app consolidates all your notes, chats, and tasks into a single screen, facilitating highly efficient focus, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD or attention difficulties.


Aman Sharma
I really like the concept. But the messaging could be simplified. I also don't think that its a good idea to mention explicitly that its for ADHD or attention difficulties. IMHO It could be for anyone who would like manage notes efficiently. Also mention key differentiator. How its different to raindrop for example.
Rose lee
Launching soon!
@amanintech Thank you for your comment and your feedback on We appreciate your interest and your support. We agree that our app can be helpful for anyone who wants to manage notes efficiently, but we also want to stress the benefits for people with ADHD or attention difficulties, as we believe that our app can help them deal with some of the common problems they face. Our app is different from in that it not only enables you to save and organize your bookmarks, but also offers you an AI assistant that can help you search, summarize, synthesize, and validate information on the web. Our app also has features for reminders, annotations, and full-text search that can boost your productivity and learning.
Rose lee
Launching soon!
You can clink here to sign up:
Huynh Trinh
In my opinion, your App should offer the free access to all features with a free-trial time, for example 7-day, 1-month, etc…
Alexander Dolton
In my opinion, your App should offer the free access to all features with a free-trial time, for example 7-day, 1-month, etc…
Kathleen Smith
In my opinion, your App should offer the free access to all features with a free-trial time, for example 7-day, 1-month, etc…
Sunil Ayar
Burnout can be tough, especially during launches when there's so much to do. One thing that helps me manage burnout is taking small breaks throughout the day to recharge.
Rose lee
Launching soon!
@sunil_ayar Yes, Thanks you guy
Greffin Dony
Offering free access with limitations is a good strategy for attracting users. Ensure the limitations encourage users to upgrade but still provide value in the free version. Consider user feedback for future adjustments.
Rose lee
Launching soon!
@greffin_don Thank you for your comment and your interest in We appreciate your feedback and we are glad to hear that you like our strategy of offering free access with limitations. We believe that this will allow users to experience the benefits of our app and see how it can help them with their focus and productivity. Our limitations are designed to be reasonable and fair, and we hope that you will find value in our free version and consider upgrading to our premium version for more features and benefits. We are always open to user feedback and suggestions, and we will use them to improve our app and service. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support