Tell me about your entrepreneurial journey! I'll start...

Chelsey Roney
2 replies
For me it started like this: Age 6 - Rearranged Costco floral bouquets and sold to neighbors Age 8-15 - Neighborhood cat sitting business Age 11-17 - Taught private swim lessons in our backyard pool Age 18 - Sold notes to classmates Age 21 - Bootstrapped my first SaaS business until its sale when I was 27 Age 24 - Sold temporary gold tattoos online Age 26 - Started an online clothing boutique. First unsuccessful business. Age 30 - Debt financed purchase of a local landscaping business until selling it at age 32. Age 32 - Started my current venture backed company I think everyone's journey is fascinating. Share yours with me!


Age 15 - 16 : was CMO of a startup, help to making a website design marketing and had to learn SEO Age 18 - 20 : Startup break of startup and learning by my self before becoming the CEO of my own company. Now - Hard to find traction, hard to find interested paying customers, but I don't give up. it's always hard at first but in 20 years, you will think back and realize it was 100% worth it, don't give up. Success is always sooner than that you think.
Chelsey Roney
@daniel112 I love that statement. I agree that you will find success if you are always learning + growing.