Soloprenuers, How do you manage everything?

12 replies
I am very curious, how do soloprenuers do everything themselves? Do you do backend AND frontend coding yourself? Do you design logo and UI yourself? If so, how did you manage?


David Cagigas
It depends on your skills. Focus your work in thing you do the best and find suitable people who can help you with the rest
Murali Gottumukkala
Its a very difficult thing and you have to sacrifice a lot to achieve it
I spent quite a short time in the beginning on branding and design, then tried to put the backend framework in place, followed by content and frontend. Now it's a constant balance and some late night sessions on the latter three.
Said Aitmbarek
I personally build everything I'm good at. Because of money considerations, you may be tempted to do everything -that's my case-. You'll however sooner or later realize that you cannot be good at everything -my case too-. My advice to solopreneurs: go to market as soon as possible with a good-enough product, then hire expert people to improve all the neglected aspects. Time is, I believe, the most valuable resource here.
@said_aitmbarek I agree with you 100%. I am hoping as soon as I start making $ , I'll reinvest in improving my designs and frontend probably.
Gaurav Parvadiya
Try to make daily to-do list and follow it
Each of my open tabs is doing something else - looking for another domain, midjourney for illustration design, admin panel to monitor and manage the app, Twitter for social media, and now this - for writing this useful message :D
@karthik_sarpatwari you are a serial multi Tasker I'm quite weak at it. if I have a million tabs open it means I'm literally lost and end up doing nothing 😹 couldn't find your Twitter Karthik , let's connect
@girlintheframe haha!, yes, I am usually pretty good at just keeping one or two tabs open - a recent phenomenon. You can reach me @fitdollar on Twitter - mainly, using that to build an audience. Would love to connect, Nikita.
- A mind-map to keep the big picture at hand - A very long to-do list - A bullet journal for the everyday stuff - Being ridiculously specific in my notes: the what and the why, and sometimes the how and the background story too. Hope this helps.