Small business friendly products?

Ben Dalziel
1 reply
A friend has a small business (bar) and is pretty tech skeptical. I wanted to try out some products for him that might help grow and sustain his business. Does anyone have a collection or recommendations for folks doing good stuff in this space? Not looking for the blood sucking stuff like DoorDash etc. - smaller scale and built with small business in mind, rather than trying to take over the world. Anything and everything welcome. Thanks! 💫


Gitali Kohli
Hey Ben! For small business accounting vendor invoices is pretty painful. The most time-consuming part is manually entering data from invoices into Quickbooks or the equivalent. We've just launched Arrox Parse (beta) on Product Hunt! We help entrepreneurs, CFOs and accountants crash the effort of digitizing vendor invoices from hours to seconds. Upload up to 5 invoices at a time and voila - you get an excel emailed to you. Give it a try with your vendor invoices. We're constantly learning and improving and would love to get your feedback on it too!