Should a developer worry about the disconnect between viral new tech and what's actually used?

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I might be imagining this, I could easily be, but there seems to be a massive number of very simple apps that always have the newest developer technologies, and then there are these enterprise behemoths with tons of revenue and not that great of UI that are ignored. As a quasi hacker developer who's always trying to learn new things, it's somewhat intimidating and confusing. For example, I periodically build systems for startups and commercial organizations. The apps I build are generally more for admin or back office users, but I'm definitely still a fan of bootstrap for front-end due to rapid development, and it doesn't look horrible. However, coming to a place like product hunt, or reading about the newest stuff on hackernews or github makes me think that I'm horribly behind. I'm then always torn between trying to learn one of these many many new technologies in my spare time or sticking with what I know. And what I know seems to work, but maybe I don't know what I don't know. I have to admit, it's stressful and it makes me think that some people are just constantly jumping from new tech to new tech rather than spending years building and expanding apps that actually make money and help real users. And yes, I have built apps that use OpenAI or I use many tools like editors, APIs, payments, etc so I'm not an ancient developer, but reading about the latest tech can make anyone feel slow or old. Or, maybe this is just my hope to find sanity?
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