Share your product, and I will add it to my directory!

Karthik Tatikonda
13 replies
Hey guys, I'm building Giftindy - A directory of gifts you can give to your fellow IndieHackers on this Christmas. It has: 1. Ebooks 2. Checklists 3. Courses 4. Resource lists 5. Communities 6. Templates 7. Swipe files and 8. Cheatsheets If you're selling any of the above, please comment here and I will add it to the directory.


Tanmay Parekh
Invoice, Proposal and other templates
Abid Unnisa
So here is my youtube channel link where I have free courses on tableau and i am going to start a free SQL interview questions course soon. Does this count?
Karthik Tatikonda
@abid_unnisa Thanks for sharing. But we're adding paid prpoducts only right now as it is a gift curation. Please share if you have any paid info product.
Fabian Maume
You can add - my Product hunt launch template: Product hunt is almost always relevant for Indie-hacker - QAop: Quora can be relevant if the indie hacker target India or US market
Karthik Tatikonda
@fabian_maume Can you share the links here Fabian?
Fabian Maume
@karthik_tatikonda I cannot share the links for the next 3 days (as I already mentioned them in other discussions). You can pick the links from my profile:
Vedran Rasic
@fabian_maume why is that? You have limits of # of links you can share?
Fabian Maume
@vedranrasic Product hunt has a security preventing you from sharing the same link in several answers in a raw. You will get an error invalid content when you try to do so. Cool down for it seems to be around 3 days.
Luka Vasic
@vedranrasic has a great PH launch masterclass
Karthik Tatikonda
@vedranrasic @luka_vasic Sharing others products 🤯, that's something great man!! Thanks for sharing Luka!! I will add the master class in the directory.