Share some Tips to maintain PH Streak. I always loss it before hitting 100 :(

Isha Waheed
5 replies


Konrad S.
I've bookmarked PH next to my favorite news sites that I check every day.
Michael Shver
What has helped me is setting a specific time to open the website. I don't always have time to engage with the community immediately afterward, but by doing this, I ensure that I add one day to my streak. Later I can return to engage in discussions and upvote launches when I actually have the time!
Ed Mitchen
You should focus on consistency, not perfection. Aim for daily participation, even if it's short.
Elzabith C.
You should set reminders! Notifications can be your best friend against missed days.
I made a Chrome plugin that reminds you a few hours before the day ends, if the plugin hasn't seen you on PH for the day.