Project Lightspeed – subsecond, open source, self hosted stream from OBS

Garrett Graves
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Welcome to Project Lightspeed. This is a project that allows anyone to easily deploy their own sub-second latency live-streaming server. In its current state you can stream from OBS [1] and watch that stream back from any desktop browser. This has been a super fun project which has taught me more than any other project I have done. It uses Rust, Go and React and can be deployed fairly easily on a very lightweight server. For example, I have been doing my test streams on a $5 Digital Ocean droplet and the CPU usage is at around 20%. Granted not a lot of people are watching however it is more lightweight than a solution such as Janus. The point of this project is twofold. First I wanted to learn more about WebRTC and real-time communication in general. Second, I wanted to provide a platform where people can setup their own little live-stream environment. Maybe you just want a place where you and some friends can hang out or you are sick of the main-stream platforms. Anyhow as of writing this post it is v0.1.0 and considered an MVP release. In the coming months I (and hopefully some of you :)) will be adding more features and trying to flesh this out into as much of a full featured platform as possible. Feel free to take a look at the repo and let me know what you all think :) [1] Open Broadcast Software (OBS): Here is the link!
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