🧠 Products solving ADHD problem

Alex Kolomiets
3 replies
Hey, I started to dig deeper in this field around a month ago because I was diagnosed with ADHD, which led to losing focus. I have also found that some tricks keep me productive, such as time trackers (Pomodoro) or apps with gamification features or guiding you through small tasks and challenging yourself daily. Therefore, I've been thinking about building a smart to-do app. Let me know in the comments if you're suffering from ADHD, how you deal with it (what methods work for you, excluding medical treatment), or if you have an app that helps you stay focused. Thx πŸ™ twitter.com/alexplaning


Kate Erina
I think it’s a really important topic, my list: 1/ Time Blocks 2/ Timer 3/ Free writing to get started 4/ Creating a plan with time slots 5/ Measuring tasks by outcomes (when I understand β€œwhy”, it leads to more focus)
Alex Kolomiets
@erinakate Are there any apps you are considering that almost meet your needs?
Kate Erina
@alexkolomiets Focus timer is the one. But there is no app for the whole process or even something science-based on how to be focused