Preferred SEO Strategy?

Anjali Barnwal
7 replies


Praveen Pendyala
Which SEO is best for my product? Transcript LOL
Norma Lee
Focusing on quality content and relevant keywords has been my go-to.
Elena Tsemirava
Actually, you should combine all these strategies to be successful. But the most weight I guess has the backlink building.
All of these are required to improve your ranking on search engines. You can't ignore any of these.
Jaroslaw Pidburskyj ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡นร๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆSEO
Before you jump on the bandwagon for backlinks, your on-page has to be in tip-top condition along with your technicals which partly helps for mobile friendliness. But most ditch the on-page and start looking for loads of backlinks then Google takes an interest for the wrong reasons.
Sven Bartlett
Keyword research, On-page optimization and quality content is pretty much all you need today. If your content is adds value other sites will link to you organically.
Salar Davari
I can't see how anyone wants to rank sticking to only one or two of these strategies. They're all important and none should be underestimated.