Plans for holidays?

Artyom Sviridov
22 replies
Christmas and New Year are approaching! Any plans for the upcoming holidays? Are you going to spend your time with family & friends, or maybe travel, or work on something? :)


Darya Antonyuk
I'm planning to spend all my time cooking delish meals, reading stuff, and watching series, nothing more... And re-watch Harry Potter, of course
Eugene Lipski
It's hard to celebrate the winter holidays when it's summer weather outside. I guess I'll be working
Mansi Trivedi
We just got over the whole Diwali jazz not long ago, now it's wedding season in India and almost everyone is getting married!! So I guess, I'll be attending weddings and dancing a lot!
Frank J. Fowler
I am going on a long tour with my family
Sunil Ayar
I am going to dubai for holidays
Stefan Wirth
Some ops housekeeping and reflections are in order šŸ‘€
Judith Clary
Watching movie go out with family
I'll try to get my new house renovations done over the holidays so I don't have to sit around afterward with a trowel in one hand and a laptop in the other.
Shajedul Karim
yeah, christmas and new year's are coming up fast. thinking of a mix of me time and some personal projects and my studies. it's nice to relax and recharge, but also cool to use the break for things you love doing. what about you? got any fun plans?
Shane Stewart
It's all about family time for me this holiday season.
mute my phone
Alexandr Builov
With my family & friends
Daniel Burns
Hopefully not working as much as I did last year, so I can spend more quality time with my family.
Anna Sazonova
I am planning to finally see all my friends and exchange gifts! Also go skiing and ice skating.
Kirill Grebenjukov
Iā€™m going to surf as much as weather allow and the rest of the time will spend on my MVP
Niko Germish
Preparing for the launch on Product Hunt šŸ”
Kris Pi
I don't know šŸ˜ To understand what will happen tomorrow
The holiday season is just around the corner, and it's always a special time of the year. Personally, I plan to spend quality time with family and friends, enjoying festive gatherings and delicious meals. It's a time to relax, unwind, and reflect on the year gone by. Speaking of capturing special moments, if anyone has any significant events or celebrations during this holiday season, they might want to consider the services of a wedding videographer. https://www.the-wedding-videogra... specializes in preserving those precious memories for future enjoyment.