Need a Feedback ๐Ÿค”

Arzu ร–zkan
6 replies
Hi there ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป I want to share with you something that we are very excited about these days. We will be launching our new little and sweet product soon and it would be great for us to hear your pre-launch ideas. How did you find this? :) https://www.repasswordgenerator....


Richard Gao
Looks useful, but there's many applications people use that have password generators built in. For example, bitwarden, a password management system, has an inbuilt password generator. But you mention "Download Desktop App!", is this a password management system like bitwarden? Also, are you going to be offering the password generator itself (not the password management system) for free on the website? Because there are many free password generators online, so offering a paid password generator would be a bad deal for most users.
Arzu ร–zkan
@richard_gao2 Hey Richard, Thank you for your feedback! This will never be a paid product, we will always keep it free. So people will be able to create strong passwords for free quickly. And yes, you are right, there are many products like this. We think of this as a little starting step. Instead of boring interfaces, we wanted to create a slightly more cheerful and pretty interface. In the next steps, we will provide a password library and people will be able to easily access their saved passwords. (ex: nordpass, lastpass) We want to keep this little app free of complex features. Everything will be quite simple and easy. It is also possible to use it as a plugin. In other words, if you need to create a password while registering somewhere, you will not have to go to the website of the password generator all the time. You can create a strong password by easily accessing your plugin from your browser's extensions panel. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Sanat Mohanty
Hi Arzu, Is repasswordgenerator the product, you looking to launch ?
Itโ€™s an interesting and practical app