My first side project got 50k users and I turned it into full application

Iuliia Shnai
1 reply started as micro-project Linkedin Post Generator and my first coding project which I built in April 2023. It got viral with a lot of views and feedback and I continued working on it. I think Linkedin is very underused platform Because people think it is cringe But there is 1 Billion LinkedIn users, and less than 1% post constantly The average amount of money Linkedin viewers have is higher than Twitter or any other platform. So there are many potential customers there. So, I started building it as micro tool, used open source, for myself and fun. After it got viral, the story also got viral on Dev to So I continued improving it and writing about it. Now I constantly posting on Linkedin about the updates and what I am building there Linkedin Post Generator to Postli: - Generate posts like top Linkedin creators with AI - 100+ templates to start from - 20+ AI generation options - Full editor with preview - All posts drafts in one place - Schedule posts on Linkedin