My dreams have become a reality!🌟WebWave AI won Product of the Day! Now we need your feedback! 🚀

Janusz Mirowski
42 replies
We've been awarded Product of the Day! I was among the advocates for integrating AI at WebWave, and today's success proves it was the right call. Now, I'm eagerly seeking your feedback, tests, and expectations. We're currently in the BETA stage, and your support is invaluable in our journey to create the ultimate AI website builder.


Mohamed Hassan
Amazing! Congratulations Janusz.
Adam Warren
That is wonderful news, Janusz! So, so proud of you! This will truly help a lot of people, so thank you for creating this tool.
Romany Fahmy
Congratulations my friend, all the best with your business 😊👍
Olena Bomko
Congratulations once again :) You rock!
Carl lee Frye
Congratulations on winning Product of the Day! It's amazing to see how AI is being integrated into website builders like WebWave. I'm curious about the specific AI features that set WebWave apart from other website builders. Can you share more details about how AI enhances the website-building experience?
Janusz Mirowski
@carl_lee WebWave AI is different. We have this drag and drop interface that gives you power to change everything after AI. We believe in this human last touch. Furthermore, we also are concentrating on small business owners and people that are starting business. Not designers. This means easy of use for us is the most important. We will do AI Store and AI Blog and we will be focused on features for creative people but not designers :). And in the end we simply never stop to develop AI, because we believe it is good start to do 60-70% and then make it as you want. Unique.
George Aleesu
Awesome! Congratulations
Pam K.
Well done Janusz. We all know that is no easy feat.
it's a great product indeed. So glad that it won product of the day! :) Congrats!
Abi P
Congratulations Janusz! :D We are launching soon as well. Any tips on how you made it happen for your product?
Janusz Mirowski
@abi_p 2 weeks for concept and USP (unique selling pints) 2 weeks for production 1 week for proofing The hardest was TAGLINE We made 2 Videos: Advert: 5 min Guide: Landing page 2 newsletters Pitch to press 5 social media posts a lot of reels And hours of work on LinkedIn... i think the TAGS and LinkedIn was the most important, you need to people every day and ask them for support, makers always want to help each other :)
Sophia Solanki
Many congratulations Janusz! All the best for journey from here. Cheers.
Ran Aroussi
That is amazing. Any pro tips you would like to share related to the launch. We are also going to launch this Monday and much excited and nervous at the same time.
Janusz Mirowski
@ranaroussi Tagline need to be perfect with benefits not features. Prepare good newsletter to your contact base send it twice on the beginning and on the middle. Talk with the makers on the LN. Be active here. Make good topic to reach top3 in discussions.
Claire Wiley
oh hell yeah congrats!!
Niko Germish
Congratulations! Your WebWave is on my shortlist for testing this weekend. 🎉🙌🏻
This is truly awsome! Congratulations!
Patricia Amundson
Amazing! Congrats ❤❤
Shayan Ali
Amazing congratulations