MRR Climb: From Zero to $2K and Beyond!

Mustafa Ergisi
10 replies
Hey PH community! I'm excited to share our startup's recent milestone of reaching $2,000 MRR. AI2sql( is on a mission to revolutionize the way businesses access and analyze their data by transforming human language into SQL queries. Here's a quick snapshot of our journey so far: 🔹 0 - $100 MRR: 10 months 🔹 $100 - $1,000 MRR: 5.5 months 🔹 $1,000 - $2,000 MRR: 3 months It's been a rollercoaster ride, but we are proud of the progress we've made in such a short time. AI2SQL's mission is to help businesses make better data-driven decisions by simplifying the process of transforming human language into SQL queries. We're dedicated to innovation and building user-friendly solutions that truly make a difference. Throughout this journey, we've faced countless challenges, emerging competitors, & embraced technological advancements, never losing sight of our goal. 🎯 We appreciate all the support from the community and look forward to growing together as we work towards making data-driven decision-making accessible to all. 💪 Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts in the comments below. We're here to engage and learn from this incredible community.


Richard Gao
Congrats! Looking forward to you getting 10k MRR soon
Umut Sönmez
This is a huge success. How did you deal with stress in the first 10 months?
Mustafa Ergisi
@umut_sonmez Thak you Umut! In the first 10 months, I managed stress by setting clear goals, maintaining open communication, emphasizing work-life balance, and celebrating progress. Success is a journey—stay resilient!
Fatma Kiraz
Launching soon!
This is a really great achievement you have made in AI2SQL, Mustafa! I am sure you will achieve more than this! ⚡️
Florian Myter
These first 10 months must have been gruelling, kudos on sweating it out!
Matti Lainey
Congrats!! That's a great success.