Methods To Migrate To Office 365

Peter Groft
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To migrate to Office 365 users have various methods in place. To transfer the emails, calendars, data, and contacts from the existing email server to Office 365 there are primarily three methods such as cutover, staged migration, and hybrid migration. Cutover Migration: Cutover migration enables the users to send everything at once. This is the suggested mode of Office 365 migration in case you are migrating the entire email data to Office 365, and you wish to manage the users in Office 365. In this method, the email contacts and groups in the on-premise exchange system can be migrated. Importantly, this method to migrate to Office 365 is most suitable for the users running Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013, with mailboxes less than 2000. Staged Migration: This method is more recommended for the exchange server 2003 and 2007 users. Plus, this is the best Office 365 migration method for those who plan for step-by-step migration of mailboxes to Office 365. Staged migration helps to migrate data in batches, and it facilitates the users to send and receive emails from on-premise users and vice-versa, even their mailboxes are moved to Office 365 with on-premise synchronization techniques. Hybrid Migration: Hybrid migration is most suitable for exchange 2010, 2013, and 2016 users. This method of Office 365 migration uses an integrated exchange server and Office 365 infra. In the hybrid migration process, it allows the mailboxes in the on-premises Exchange to be on-site or exchanged for Office 365 migration or vice versa. Plus, these methods help to synchronize and manage user accounts of both environments. IMAP Migration: Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) migration method allows any user to migrate users/emails from any other(Gmail/Yahoo, etc.) email system that supports IMAP migration Office 365. The users can make use of the admin center/ exchange online PowerShell to migrate the data and mailboxes from the IMAP system to Office 365 environment. Third-Party Migration Tools: As it implies, third-party email data migration is completely based on external tools. They have distinctive protocols and features. Some are far better than the native in-built migration tools, and some are the same as those. To know more about Office 365 Migration visit Apps4Rent.
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