Mastercard launches generative AI chatbot to help you shop online

Daxeel Soni
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In the e-commerce realm, the fusion of AI and personalization has reached an exciting turn with the introduction of Shopping Muse by Dynamic Yield, a Mastercard subsidiary. This generative AI chatbot assistant, launched on November 30th, heralds a fresh way for consumers to interact with online retail spaces. → Why is Shopping Muse a Game-Changer? - It uses plain-language commands, allowing for intuitive product searches. - The chatbot utilizes algorithmic content matching to furnish personalized recommendations. → The Impact of Generative AI in Retail Generative AI, like ChatGPT and DALL-E, has been instrumental in various fields. For Shopping Muse, this technology enhances user experience by adapting to consumer preferences, thus elevating the standard for digital shopping. → Mastercard's Ambitious Move Mastercard's acquisition of Dynamic Yield in 2022 and its rebranding underlines its commitment to integrating cutting-edge AI in its services. With this move, the company: - Broadens its AI-driven personalization services, catering to over 400 brands. - Solidifies its presence across major global markets, including Tel Aviv, New York, and Barcelona. → The Bigger AI Picture for Mastercard Mastercard isn't new to embracing AI. The recent collaboration with Feedzai for financial fraud detection further extends its AI capabilities. In the words of Ori Bauer, CEO of Dynamic Yield by Mastercard, "Personalization gives people the shopping experiences they want, and AI-driven innovation is the key to unlocking immersive and tailored online shopping." This leap towards a smarter, more seamless shopping paradigm demonstrates how AI can refine the fabric of e-commerce. As we move forward, it's worth pondering: - What other industries could benefit from such AI advancements? - How might generative AI reshape consumer behaviour in the long run? Keen to hear your insights on the future of AI in e-commerce or your thoughts on generative AI's role across different sectors. Feel free to share your experiences or predictions in the comments below. The post generated using Source:


Woah 👏
chatbot editor
Mastercard's pioneering use of generative AI in their chatbot marks a significant stride in enhancing online shopping experiences. Glassix, an adept chatbot editor continues to revolutionize customer engagement by seamlessly connecting conversations across diverse digital channels since its inception in 2015.