Looking to launch soon, any tips?

Kyle Young ⛳️
10 replies
Looking to launch soon and I want to make the most out of it! Does anyone have any tips or tricks that worked for them??


zuhaib ashfaq
I am also planning to launch soon and looking forward to hearing tips from the experts
Alex AI
1/ Engage with people. 2/ Create a communicate. 3/ Have a few beta-testers that will give you feedback 4/ Try to promote the launch before the launch. 5/ Use different distribution channels for better results.
Nadia Zueva
Launching soon!
Me too, Kyle! Best of luck with your launch!
Apurva Desai
Me too, Kyle! Best of luck with your launch Please check our link (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Apurva Desai
Try to get people to support you is the best practice.