Looking for Beta Testers 🤍

10 replies
Hey product hunters, tech geeks, founders, and everyone in between! I'm working on a landing page with my team and we are looking to do some A/B testing to see which designs/texts stick with y'all the most. Would you be able to help?🤍 Lmk below and I'll send an invitation link with a $20 amazon gift card 👇🏼


Jerom Palimattom Tom
Hey, would love to help you out. I have experience in UI/UX design and have done beta testing before.
Krishna Kumar
Who is your target audience? Assume I sign up for the gift card :), Will it be of any use if I am not from your target audience?
Uvaise Nazir
My product experience in Ad tech could help. Sign me up.
Would love to help out
Ejaaz Patel
I've heard Polywork is good for gathering beta testers