Looking for a better Knowledge Base / Help Center

Steph Nelson
0 replies
Hey all! I am over-researching and testing different knowledge base/help center systems. Maybe I'm too picky or maybe I'm overlooking the right solution... Currently, our Help Center is in Zendesk. It works fine, but the functionality is limited for what we pay. We use Intercom as well, but their "Articles" are even more limited. I'm in the process of trying to move our help center into Document360. I want to love it - but am not there yet. Have you found a knowledge base that just works, that is very user-friendly (for end-users that can be quite low-tech), easy to manage, and integrates with Intercom? We aren't looking for the whole "support suite" since we have been picking from a few different tools and just integrate them. Thank you so much for helping me get off of this indecision loop! 🤦‍♀️ Steph
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