Let's discuss the email marketing mistakes that are considered correct.

Buse Kara
22 replies


Abrar Ahmed
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Kisha Anderson
What do you mean by this?
Buse Kara
@kishaanderson For example, how accurate is it to give detailed information at the first reach out? πŸ€”
Kisha Anderson
@busekara Depends on your product and your audience. Test a simple welcome email vs a more detailed email. See what results you get. Personally, I would start simple then add on as you go.
Shajedul Karim
good prompt. let's unpack this, sis: 1. over-personalization: yes, personal touch matters. but getting too personal can sometimes creep out subscribers. balance is key. 2. focusing on quantity over quality: more emails don't mean more engagement. could lead to unsubscribes. prioritize meaningful interactions. 3. neglecting mobile optimization: majority of emails are now opened on mobile. if yours don't look good there, it's a missed opportunity. 4. no segmentation: treating your entire email list the same is a common mistake. segment and tailor content for better results. 5. not analyzing data: emails give you tons of data. open rates, click-throughs, etc. ignoring these insights can cost you. 6. ignoring the power of the subject line: it's the first thing your subscriber sees. make it count. and, it's about connection, not just conversion. focus on building relationships. hope that helps.
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