Launching Mailforge today πŸ”₯

Dovydas Volodko
31 replies
Hey Product Hunt community! πŸ’ͺ Excited to announce the launch of Mailforge! Building on the success of Salesforge, we've created a powerful email infrastructure solution which let's you setup your cold email infrastructure in minutes! Mailforge was built purely by listening to our users feedback which allowed us to build something truly amazing! Whether you are in the midst of your cold email campaign or just planning to launch, I encourage you to check us out! We offer an easy process of creating hundreds of domains and mailboxes in minutes with premium deliverability and free automated setup. Our primary approach in 2023 was maintaining a tight connection with our users, actively listening to their feedback, and promptly addressing any questions or concerns they had. We're committed to continuing this practice, as it's one of our key components of growing our startup! Join us on this journey and let's forge ahead together with Mailforge! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Summer Collins
I'm impressed by the simplicity of the setup process.
Frank Sondors
I love you bro!
Dovydas, it's fantastic to see Mailforge come to life, especially with such a user-centric development approach! I'm excited to see how it streamlines the cold emailing process and will definitely give it a look for my future campaigns. πŸš€
Peter Henry
All the best with your launch.
Jamie L
Congratulations on the launch of Mailforge, Dovydas! Your focus on user feedback to refine the product is commendable, and I'm keen to see how the platform can streamline my cold email campaigns.
Dhirendra Singh
Exciting news! Congratulations on the launch of Mailforge, looking forward to exploring this innovative email infrastructure solution!
Vincent Xu
Launching soon!
Congratulations on the launch of Mailforge, Dovydas! It's exciting to see how your commitment to user feedback has shaped a tool that simplifies the daunting task of setting up a cold email campaignβ€”looking forward to seeing the impact it has on email marketing efficiency.
Egor Karpov
Good luck with the launch!
Nadia Zueva
Launching soon!
good luck!
Already supported πŸ”₯ , and congrats for holding no #1 till now
Kat Pim
Audrey Jake
Congratulations keep goingπŸš€πŸš€
Edward Moore
upvoted and commented
Mason Julian
That's wonderful news! Congratulations on the Mailforge launch!
Marc Andre
Congrats on the launch!
congratulations supported
Sophia Williams
Congratulations on the launch of Mailforge, Dovydas! It's fantastic to see a platform that streamlines email campaigns and values user feedbackβ€”can't wait to see how it revolutionizes email outreach.
Apurva Desai
Congratulations on your launch! πŸ”₯ We are also going to live soon πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Checkout my profile
great to see bro