Lauched today! And we are looking for your voice;)

Chris Lindner
25 replies
Hi fellows Product Hunt, I'm excited to inform that our product Echo AI is launched today! It is an attempt by our team, we spent a lot of time tuning the AI and training NLP. And it's core functions are: 1. Note by voice 2. Search Note by Asking the AI 3. The AI will judge if your note can be a schedule and arrange it for you It's not quite meeting our goals yet, so we'll continue to optimize it as well. Before that, we also want to hear the opinions of PH community. What do you think of such a product? Will you need it?What features would you need from an AI assistant? We will appreciate any feedbacks and suggestions:) Thank you all and love you!


Joey Yang
Congrats on the launch!
Erik Tan
Congrats on the launch! Will try it!
Joey Grace
Excited to launch the app and expect all kinds of feedbacks ;)
Mariia Volina
Congratulations! 🔥
Chris Lindner
@volina Thank you Mariia! AskFlow AI looks also cool, will it be launched here too?
Attila Chiba
Cool! Congrats on the launch! I'm expecting to know how it will grow! Will try it definitely.
Jacinto Diego
Wow congrats on the launch and the free access Chris! It seems so fun to try this app!
Alex Rodukov
Congrats on the launch!
Naomi Jenvasky
Interesting! Will try it.
Mick Essex
Congrats on the launch Chris!
Congrats on the launch, I have upvoted! I would love to hear about your launch strategy
Chris Lindner
@william_mathews1 Hey William, thanks a lot! I have joined the waitlist of Frontdoor, it seems to be a very useful product, I like the idea!
Relja Denic
Congrats on the launch and good luck
Shunsuke Sakata
Congrats ! Looks great product !
Marceric a
Congratulations !