KoolStories will Launch this Monday. 🚀 Can you support us? ❤️

Jacopo Lai
7 replies
Hey PH community, Every day 4.6B people spend, on average, 2.5 hours scrolling through social media content. What if we could make this behaviour engaging and valuable for our personal growth? This is KoolStories' mission: to provide a social media experience that only features bite-sized eLearning content, facilitating its users' upskilling needs. Please support our mission and keep track of our launch at https://www.producthunt.com/upco... 🚀 Please support our launch!!


Ekaterina Arbuzova
Totally support your launch. I personally love micro-learning and video format.
Gladys Atienza
Subscribed! All the best! 🎉
Rissy Miranda
Congratulations on the launch and wishing you and the team success 🎉