Just reached top 100 in Streaks! Should I continue?

Hey! I just reached 100th position in streaks. I took me 152 days of consecutive logging in. Happy to, as I have learned a lot about PH, participated more actively in the community, and led me to successfully launching our first product https://www.producthunt.com/post... When I started my streak I though it was going to take me about 80 days, but it was more than 150. It's getting harder guys! The question is the following: I'm going into a two week vacation to Colombia next Monday. Should I continue coming in every day?


Carmen Judson
if you are not launching then you can rest
Eunju Park
Oh, I hope you have a wonderful vacation!! However, I really don't want to go back to 0... I also wanted to achieve a higher Streaks, but it seems like mobile doesn't count, and I found out about it too late. Anyway, would you support our first launch before going on vacation? XD Your feedback will undoubtedly be very helpful to us. :) (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Sofia Payne
@eunju When is the launch Eunju? Will be happy to support! We're launching next month!! Happy to connect if you want ☺️
Amulya Prasad
@eunju Ohh I didn't know using from mobile won't get counted in streaks. Good to know.
Eunju Park
@sofiapayne Thank you for your support! We are launching on Sunday, July 23rd, so it's just around the corner! If you guys are launching next month, please make sure to let me know as well. : )
Eunju Park
@roberjet Lately, I've been trying to increase my Streaks count, so I've been using my desktop during weekdays and switching to mobile on weekends. However, it seems like the counting doesn't work on mobile! It could be just my own issue, but I still want someone to test it for me :) I'm afraid of losing my Streaks count again! 😅
Sofia Payne
I guess after 152 days you deserve a holiday! Enjoy Colombia!! What's your biggest advice on PH for newbies here?
Congratulations Roberto! 🎉
wow! this is quite hard, you did it well! I'm active user of PH, but always loosing streacks 🥲 is it important to have?
Roberto Gómez - ScalarOS.com
@oxana_ivanova It's absolutely not important to have. I feel that it's jt's just a way for people to discover you, go to your Linkedin and ask you for support. In exchange, you create a little bit of audience if you want to launch yourself.
@roberjet yep, seems it really works this way, so streak is showing that you're online and ready for communication. Seems I need to try not to loose it so often 😃 thank you for sharing your thoughts on this
Kevin Lu
@oxana_ivanova @roberjet Agreed~ But, creating audience is quite important for startups right?
@roberjet @dot_brand yeah, and I think we should invest more into it. What I can see from my experience, you can have really cool product but fail cause simply world do not know about it
Alexey Anshakov
Is there any sense? Are they subscribing or something else?
Roberto Gómez - ScalarOS.com
@alexey_anshakov you get more visibility, people follow you, you start creating an audience which is valuable for any future product launch
Alexey Anshakov
@roberjet in this case continue, keep going on strike for sure.
Nuno Reis
Yes! Get to top one, amazing bragging rights! eheheh
Roberto Gómez - ScalarOS.com
@nuno_ms_reis I see that as impossible, my friend. I believe there are some account using bots to enter everyday.
Nuno Reis
@roberjet if you keep up and PH eventually deals with the bots, might be you are the number 1 doing it manually and end up being catapulted first. Long shot, yes, but never say never. Environments change 😉
Great! Congratulations! Yes, you should definitely keep going on Product Hunt. Just use the PH app on your phone for 20-30 minutes during the weekend, and it will maintain your streak and stay updated with new launches. By the way, we are also launching our product next week and would greatly appreciate your valuable support.
Oleg Eltsov
Sure, that's great!
emmanuel Onuoha
Congratulations Roberto 🎉🎉 I'll be there up soon
Roberto Gómez - ScalarOS.com
Seems that I would be checking Product Hunt while at the beach in Colombia...