Just hype or the real thing?

Chetan Natesh
2 replies
The metaverse seems like a new kind of website. A website is basically a cell in the world wide web. The metaverse is going to be upgrading this cell to a whole new thing. At the same time, nobody will be able to sit with VR glasses strapped to their heads for hours. So anyone working on the metaverse is doing so with limited time. How big do you think will the future of the metaverse will be, will it change the shape of society or will it just be restricted to some very specific limited uses?


Murali Gottumukkala
I strongly believe in few years, we will see Metaverse evolve to new heights and applied to various fields to improve productivity and also practical applications
Chetan Natesh
@murali_aasaan Even I think this may happen, but am hoping good regulations are passed so that the harms of internet today that have come out of bad governance do not come back in new forms.