Is the fear of launching your product real?

Vlad Zivkovic
9 replies
What is behind the fear that most of the founders and marketers feel before they go live with their new product? Is it the fear of your product not having any sales after launch? Is it the fear of missing features in your product? Is it the fear of low traction? Is it the fear of bad UX/UI design? Share your fears and thoughts!


Benjamin Boman
My fear would be stuffing it up. Don't want to burn my friends and contacts on a flop because it would feel bad to ask them for a 2nd time later.
Also from my experience, if you don't have experience marketing, tinkering around with building the product can feel like your comfort zone. Also if you have perfectionist tendencies! You want to nail everything before releasing (which is obviously the opposite of what you should be doing!)
Giancarlo Sanchez
It's usually uncertainty masked as fear (add here any dimension you can imagine) Be fearless! you built it and probably put everything into it, your knowledge, skillset, wisdom, and experience. Worst case scenario you get directional feedback to take it higher and higher and you evolve with it as well.
Gary Ramirez
If you're not used to marketing, focusing on the product's development may feel like your safest bet.
Erkin Bek
On the whole, I was afraid of I don't know what hah Now I'm afraid that the product hunt will not be output and all my work will be in vain. In any case, I persuaded the team to support and I think if it does not work, then I just let the team