Is Product Hunt a good launch channel for B2B SaaS?

Brian Shin
8 replies
Hello everyone! Our team is currently building an Inbound Sales Automation SaaS for B2B teams (, and we were wondering whether Product Hunt is a good channel for B2B software. We’ve experienced great feedback and support for our previous launches - - but was wondering whether it’ll work the same for B2B focused products. What are your thoughts?


Sure, I personally know b2b startups that launched here and got huge amount of leads!
@bri_shin yes, one of them is my brother’s startup:
Brian Shin
@serhii_uspenskyi That's amazing! Do you know of any examples? Would love to learn more
Brian Shin
@serhii_uspenskyi amazing, will check it out!
Nick Naumov
Definitely yes, we’ve got a huge amount (more than 1000+) leads for Paige thanks to successful Product Hunt launch
Brian Shin
@nikita_naumov That's amazing! Were many of them qualified leads?
Nick Naumov
@bri_shin great question! To be honest, not too much :) We’ve got a huge amount of developers and marketing agencies on board who are not really our customers since we’re building Paige for SMBs. However, those agencies also serve SMBs, so their feedback was quite valuable for us!