Is next week a good week to launch?

Frank Sondors
14 replies
We've decided to launch next week, but is it a good week to launch you think?


Alisha Widianti
I don't see why you shouldn't! I'm also launching next week :D
Veit Josef Schneider
vague question... maybe this week would have been better :) what is so special about next week?
Veit Josef Schneider
@franksondors then need more context if your product is related to it or if it is something else. then you will have you answer :)
Anastasia Liamets
@franksondors aaa, it’s a great indicator then people are not planning vacations or day offs β€” I even forgot about it πŸ˜‚ My opinion, it’s okay to launch next week, but better to rely on your own confidence