Is ChatGPT providing reliable information to write a good email reply?

Teenie Fung
3 replies
Whilst ChatGPT is trained on internet data, the email reply is generated based on what is inside the model. It does not fetch or search information real-time or neither does it understand context from your company data. This is where company like Hypertype can help compensate this part. ⚡ Hypertype searches and matches your company data across different tools to write your email reply with the right information real-time. P.S: Hypertype is live on Product Hunt and your feedback can help us a lot!


Beatrice Baltscheffsky
Garbage in garbage out so it's important we ask ChatGPT the right type of questions as humans. ChatGPT is amazing and great possibilities of how you can take leverage it :) Future is now!
John Lilliesköld Myhrman
I tried using chatgpt and it gives inaccurate info but when I use Hypertype I really get a lot of great info fetched from my colleagues email. @teenie_fung, Hypertype
I think a good email response is important for business. Thank you, I will try your product.