Is calling your product a social network a bad thing with investors?

Mihajlo Kovacevic
2 replies


Samantha Den
Calling my product a "social network" is not inherently bad with investors. However, it's crucial for me to provide clarity on my product's unique value proposition, target audience, and differentiation within the social networking space. Investors may have varying preferences, so highlighting the specific problem I'm solving and the market opportunity can be more impactful than the label itself.
I think a lot of things can benefit from being built with a social network. Niche social networks should be bigger IMO. The big names are too big and broad, and the little ones are too little. Something that connects people in film/TV/advertising, for example, or people in construction, or people with burnout/depression/anxiety. These are big populations, with lots in common, and LinkedIn/FB etc. don't serve them as well as it could. That said, it can take a lot to get momentum within these populations - while it can work and lead to massive results, it's also a big challenge.