In-Bound or Out-Bound Marketing?

Daniel Tanque
2 replies
What is your view on each for B2B vs B2C and B2B2C. I've just finished using some of the 4000 flyer that got printed and went to places where my target audience is and just talked with potential users, in 2 hours have spoken with more than 200 persons and it was a good way to get immediate feedback, so far from those 200 persons 11 have registered on the application, and at least the same has installed the app, but I guess more, as the app doesn't require account login to use main features. But yeah would like to know if you've done something like that and if it has better results than online ads. Best, Daniel


André J
Launching soon!
Wouldn't it be more efficient to do this at scale online? Unless this is a hyper local business?
This is honestly awesome, haven't heard of anyone marketing an app via flyers. What's your conversion/flyer rate haha?