If you had the power to master any skill, which skills would you love to master?

Max Yamp
23 replies
For me, it's time management and multitasking. What about you? ๐Ÿค”


Hritik Verma
Coding: It has given me a very hard time while learning.
Max Yamp
@hritik_verma1 For that you don't need power, try ChatGPT lol
Norberto Buenaventura Rizarri
I'd say entrepreneurial skills. You need these in today's world๐Ÿ‘Œ
Max Yamp
@nrbz Indeed Norberto, What you plan to build in future?
I would enthusiastically choose to develop my proficiency in the art of public speaking.
Nathan Luke
With AI, you can now master anything.
Max Yamp
@nathan_luke Exactly Nathan AI can be used to unleash and unlock the true potential within individuals ๐Ÿš€
Aleksej Vukomanovic
Definetely marketing, very usefull skill to have
Max Yamp
@aleksejvu Have you read "Permission Marketing" Aleksej? If not, please give it a try, you'll love it.
Hamid Khan
I always wanted to be a hacker.
Max Yamp
@hamid_khan8 That's fantastic, Hamid! In today's constantly evolving online landscape, the need for exceptional cyber security experts is more important than ever before.
Jeremy Lopez
Oh, that's an interesting one. As a product development ninja, top of my list would be mastering UX/UI design - knowing exactly what users want even before they do! I'd also love to become a wizard at data analysis.
Being consistent. The discipline of showing up in all areas of life no matter what every single day.