If you could meet any fictional character in real life, who would it be and why?

Macauley Quinn
27 replies


Kristi Tanellari
Deadpool hands down
Captain America to meet someone with a true sense of honor and standing up for what's right OR Captain Marvel for all that she's seen in the universe OR Ayla from Earth's Children series because I think there is so much value in learning what life and survival was like 30,000 years ago
Darla H Monroe
Sherlock Holmes. Love his deductive skills!
babar saleem
I'd love to meet Gandalf from 'Lord of the Rings' his wisdom and guidance would be truly inspiring.
Steffen Schulz
Iron Man, for his wit and tech prowess.
Daniel Evans
Atticus Finch from 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.
William Willey
Harry Potter, for his magical adventures.
Joseph D Garner
I'd choose Frodo Baggins from 'Lord of the Rings'—his courage and resilience in the face of adversity are remarkable.
Ramona J. Hicks
Meeting Aslan from 'The Chronicles of Narnia' would be profound; his wisdom and grace would leave a lasting impact on my soul.
Vanessa N. True
If I could meet any fictional character, it would be Mr. Darcy from 'Pride and Prejudice'—to unravel the complexities of his character and witness his transformation.
rebecca kim
I'd love to meet Jo March from 'Little Women.' Her fierce independence, unwavering determination, and passion for writing are qualities I deeply admire, and I'm sure her stories would be both inspiring and heartwarming.
Jospeh Schiffmans
If I could meet any fictional character, it would be Atticus Finch from 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' His integrity, compassion, and unwavering commitment to justice serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration in a world often marred by prejudice and injustice.