If you could add a new feature to your favorite social media platform, what would it be?

Anahit Amirakyan
1 reply
Mine would be "Mood-Adaptive Content Filter" on Social Media. This feature would use AI to understand the user's current mood based on their interactions. For example, if the user seems to be having a tough day, the filter could prioritize uplifting and positive content, or if the user is in the mood for learning, it could show more educational and insightful posts. :D


Gurkaran Singh
Hey there Product Hunt fam! 🚀 If I could sprinkle some tech magic into my favorite social media platform, I'd cook up a "Mood-Adaptive Content Filter". Imagine AI understanding your mood and curating your feed accordingly. Having a rough day? Get ready for some uplifting content. Feeling curious? Brace yourself for educational gems. Let's add some emotional intelligence to our scrolling experience! 🧠✨ Cheers, Gurkaran Singh