I was in LinkedIn's TOP 200 worldwide. My free LinkedIn profile checklist.

Olena Bomko
4 replies
1. It should be clear from your profile what you do, how you help, whom you help. 2. Clear, good-quality photo. The same profile picture across all social channels. 3. Tagline – people should understand what you/your company do. How can you help? You can use your company's social banners. Don't use vague phrases like "Let's change the future." Nobody understands what this means. 4. Add services you/your company provide. 5. A concise bio. Write in the first person. Not third. Explain what you do and how you can help. 6. Add links to helpful resources (home page, useful blog, ungated demo) to your Featured Section. 7. Add all your previous jobs. Describe your responsibilities and/or accomplishments. Especially your current role. 8. Endorse people you know/worked with. Ask for recommendations (your colleagues, ex-colleagues, clients). Give recommendations.


Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
I've said it before and I'll say it again: people expect some magic advice, some secret algo tricks when, in fact, all growth boils down to being a decent human being helping your audience out giving way more than you ask building a community of like-minded people being different for all the right reasons And your checklist reinforces all of these. Good one, @olenabomko !
Ghulam Abbas
Great tips