I made a side panel note that follows you around in Chrome, save information via shortcut.

Anh Ngo (Austin)
3 replies
What do you think about this :) ? https://chromewebstore.google.co...


Aris Nakos
Wow that's cool. So by using the extension, I automatically become a Saner.AI user ?
Gurkaran Singh
"That sounds like a handy tool to have! Having a side panel note that stays with you while browsing is a game-changer. Shortcut for saving information? Count me in! Great job on this creation!"
Monique Mo
In Chrome, I devised a handy side panel note that remains by your side, facilitating quick information storage with a simple shortcut. This feature seamlessly integrates into your browsing experience, allowing you to capture important data effortlessly. Whether it's jotting down a spontaneous idea or saving crucial details about an upcoming project, this tool ensures no valuable information slips away. It's as efficient as an mppt solar charge controller maximizing productivity while minimizing effort.