I'm Ramya, Maker of Duonut. Ask me anything (AMA)!

Ramya Bhaskar
6 replies
We are going live with Duonut https://www.producthunt.com/post... today. Duonut: A DIY no-code platform for businesses to pull users to their platform using gamification. Create a game-like experience to acquire, retain and grow your users, ChatGPT integrated. I am here to answer any and all of your questions. So fire away!🚀🚀


Gail Thomas
What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while developing Duonut, and how did you overcome them?
Ramya Bhaskar
@gailthomas_ Thank you for your question. Technically this product requires a very solid architecture. Discarded a couple of early versions of the product and worked on the architecture, where each field required by the user like leaderboard, timer, animation etc - everything made configurable as a platform. Looking forward to hear your feedback on the product :)
Shubham Pratap Singh
Congratulations on the launch
Golfo Vasiliou
What led you to develop this? Were you scratching your own itch or did something else inspire you to make this?
Ramya Bhaskar
@golfo_vasiliou1 It's actually both. I was facing the same issue earlier in my startup. If I have to build gamification for my app, I had to hire a team of developers, game designers are required to do it. So was always looking for a quick no-code tool, that is plug & play & merges with my app flow. Then I did a survey of around 100+ entrepreneurs and realized it is the problem across industries. This led me to build this :)
Idan Shadman
Loved your product! And congrats on the launch. If your company requires or searching for a product designer, I'll be happy to provide my services