I have completed 90 days streak! Would you pay for a list of high DA websites to submit?

Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
8 replies
As a part of our launch, we compiled a list of about 100 odd websites (170 to be precise) to submit my products, out of which we documented around 40 of them on different steps and requirements to publish which we would like to sell. This list has mostly free and some paid websites as well. It helped getting initial SEO traction and DR quite immediately. It saves more than 40 hours of a founder's time. Would fellow members here, pay for the list.


Jake Tital
Congrats on hitting 90 days . I just hit 259 day streak . No i wouldnt pay for a list as there are free options out there
Jake Tital
@sathish_nagarajan You will get to my spot soon. Im gonna ease off after i get my 365 badge but Im on a mission as of now
Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
@jaketital that’s good to know thanks and wish you the best
Milli Sen
Mason Julian
No I will not pay but show some results so I can make a right decision
Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
@mason_julian lol you will not pay and you want to see results. On a serious note, and to clarify I don’t guarantee any outcome, I’m selling efficiency - saving time. I’m asking if there are people who would want to save time, and if there are I could benefit from research I did already. I submitted for two reasons discoverability and a bit of SEO. I see that most people search and submit in the same lists, so offering this. Having said that please check DA for spendmonitor.co which is at 6 now, launched about a month ago. So it worked for me, but I wouldn’t know if it would work for others. This is a sanity activity most of people I interact with spend time on. Hope I clarified and also given an example, as you asked for information for making right decision I gave complete clarification.