I found the BIGGEST unsaid problem with Design Systems (+ Solution)

Vertika Nigam
4 replies
For the last few weeks, I've been collecting insights from 140+ UIUX designers across the globe (last recorded yesterday) There are 6-7 different types of problems that UIUX designers face while using design systems. Some are technical shortcomings of the DS they are using and other few are dependant on their own capability to use those DS. A unanimous voice that I heard from all of those beautiful people who were generous enough to fill out my short survey, was this - No creative freedom. Yes. Design systems, just by the way they are built in general, restrict creativity of pro designers. And then they end up either hopping from one to another in search of a good system, OR doing everything from scratch for each and every project. That dries up a lot of juice from the process. I've an announcement to make. cxful will be launching soon. It's an engagement-first UIUX suite and design system that literally takes you from the restricted zone to full creative freedom. I might be sounding crazy. But fully confident that this is going to give you UIUX designers a playing field where you can design whatever you can imagine. 😊


Faiqa Rani
That sounds like an exciting venture! Offering UIUX designers a platform that prioritizes creative freedom could indeed address a significant pain point in the industry. Best of luck with the launch of cxful!
Gurkaran Singh
Design systems limiting creativity? Say no more, it's like trying to fit a Picasso into a paint-by-numbers kit! Can't wait to see how cxful shakes up the UIUX game with that full creative freedom! 🎨✨
@thestarkster Thanks for adding that energy… The coming soon page is live on cxful.com and the Product Hunt launching soon page will go live in the coming week. Stay tuned!