How We Discovered a Feature Idea & Validated it Right Within Our Team

Sagar Soni
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Hey Product Hunt fam! 🚀 It’s Sagar, the CTO at Requestly. Started with a school project, I have been building web apps since 11. Lately, my gig has been less about code and more about being the go-to guy for user insights. And boy, in this case I got more stories right within our team itself. First off, our CEO @sachinjain024 couldn’t stop ranting about the bug chaos in our old Slack channels. Screenshots flooding in like confetti and cryptic messages like “Uhh, the app becomes unresponsive?“ We all know debugging is a sport, but playing it blind? Not cool. @ashishs0101 from our Product team was having these heart-to-heart chats with our users, regarding the problems our existing tool was solving. The extra input we received? Gold. Everyone was echoing the same thing: “I can debug this thing with Requestly but it would be great if I could somehow revisit the original session, to compare the results” and we listened! Enter Session Replays – the brainchild of our collective genius, including @vaibhav_nigam ’s 11 years of front-end mastery. It’s like Netflix for bugs. Every click, every error, every nuance, wrapped in a binge-worthy package. How we combined everybody's input: Storytime with Sachin: Since he complained about incompetent bug reports, with Session Replays, you’re not just getting error codes. You’re getting the full episode, plot twists, and all. Ashish’s Assurance: Since Ashish was mostly talking to enterprise customers, he was too obsessed with security. We ensured that the data stays locked up tighter than our coffee stash. You control who gets a peek. Vaibhav’s Vision: He wanted every tech aspect to be picture perfect. So he, along with @sahil_gupta_865, crafted the technical details to be just... chef’s kiss. Seamless page transitions, in-sync logs, and an open invite to collaborate on Github - We first launched this internally and eventually it became everyone's goto to report bugs. Devs were happy since they no longer had to reproduce the whole scenario, and rather check the API responses in the network logs. Our "bug-reports" Slack channel now started floating with Session Replay links only. Today we are so happy to launch this here on PH. Please give Request a try, explore and don’t forget to holler back with your thoughts. Your two cents would be worth a million to us! Sagar
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