How to find more users for your product on Auto-mode???

Jitesh Ghanchi ⭕
3 replies
One of the best ways to find users is to get listed on directories, where people who are looking for solutions come directly. With directories, you get more ROI than running ads. Product listings on directories have many benefits, like backlinks, getting targeted users for a lifetime, and, more importantly, creating your affiliate programs. Affiliates will promote you, and you'll only pay them when you make a sale, unlike ads where you invest $1000 and sometimes only get $49 in return. So directories are a win-win for all. That's why creating your affiliate programs helps to grow users on autopilot. If you have affiliate programs, submit them on If you don't have them, you can find a way to create them for free with our Stripe-based partner; you'll find the link on the submit page. By listing your product's affiliate programs on TapRefer, you'll get users for a lifetime. If any affiliates create YouTube videos or reel, you can get many sales you never imagined in one day. So it's best to have your programs on TapRefer. Go submit now.


Franklin Mayoyo
You make a compelling case for why this can be an effective user acquisition strategy compared to just running ads. Do you have any other tips on best practices for getting the most out of directory listings and affiliate programs? Things like attractive commission rates, content/creative for affiliates, managing payouts etc? I'd be curious to learn more from your experience. Thanks for the value-added suggestion.
André J
Launching soon!
I think the core issue with this concept is to track the sale funnel. If you can convince users that that process is not complicated. Then it would make more sense.
@sentry_co Tracking isn't that complex, whoever brings in sales can easily be found in affiliate dashboard. Also, you can add a "How did you discover us?" survey just after the payment is done.