🔑 How to design better forms for Products & Websites

Sabri Hakuli
4 replies
In web or other digital designs are two different fields, white fields and gray fields. Choosing gray areas isn't a wrong choice, but it does come with some visual drawbacks. These include reduced readability of placeholder text due to low contrast between light gray text and white background. The placeholder text is light gray to provide input hints, but darkening it may cause users to confuse it with the actual input. Additionally, gray fields can be mistaken for a disabled state. However, this can handled by dynamically changing them to white when they are focused or selected, providing clarity about their active state. On the other hand, there aren’t any visual drawbacks to white fields, but sometimes there is needed a background frame around them which could complicate the layout. So there is no right or wrong decision!


Group related fields together. This will make it easier for users to scan the form and find the information they need.
Use visual cues to differentiate between required and optional fields. For example, you could use bold text for required fields or asterisks
André J
Launching soon!
use figma magician 😏