How to acquire beta testers who are medical professionals?

Stan He
9 replies
Hi PH Community, Hope all is well! I'm hoping to get your input on how to find beta testers who are medical professionals. This can be a challenging group to reach since they typically aren't active on general testing sites like I've already tried using social media platforms like LinkedIn and Reddit, but I want to respect their policies against advertising products or services. Since we're still in the testing phase, I don't want to use any online ads yet. Instead, I'm considering focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) for our website, as I know that medical professionals may be searching for relevant keywords. Do you have any other suggestions for how we can reach this target audience? Best, Stan


Krishna Kumar
Medical and legal professionals are the most difficult to get to engage with something on the web, particularly senior folk. You could tie up with medical associations and offer some kind of a bounty program You could get a select few seniors on your advisiory panel and through them build a wider network (not easy and is time consuming) You could target the youngsters and those doing MD and other post graduation at their colleges
Stan He
@kkumarkg thanks for the tips! Is there any paid method you could also recommend?
Krishna Kumar
@stannnhe just checked your website. Do a sponsorship deal with your local physiotherapist association. Either you can ask for a speaking slot / exhibitor at their events or pay them in return for signups / beta testers?
Chris Rader
Hey Stan, definitely a difficult niche to recruit for. Not only are they difficult to recruit, but getting feedback from them is tough. I've seen a handful of companies targeting these sectors (dental practices, healthcare, legal software) employ successful strategies. The first thing I would recommend is crafting a message that aligns with WHY they would want to test, how it helps them or solves a problem could be enough incentive to apply (assuming the problem you are solving is worth their attention). Another big strategy is word of mouth and referrals, once you have a few ideal candidates leveraging their network or connections is the quickest way to other candidates that fit your ideal profile. You can check out to post your opportunity and to run your test if you get it up and running. Make sure everything you send out or send them to looks credible and trustworthy, it's big for this audience :P Best of luck on your test Stan!
Stan He
@chris_radercc Hey Chris, thanks a lot for your suggestions, and sorry for the late response (I guess I need to turn on the notifications moving forward). All good strategies, definitely will try it out!
max michal
To acquire beta testers who are medical professionals for your product, consider leveraging professional networks and online communities specifically designed for healthcare practitioners. Engage with relevant associations, forums, or social media groups focused on Instruments used in clinical chemistry laboratory to connect with potential testers. Their expertise in the field will provide valuable insights during the beta testing phase.
Richmond Medical Clinic
Navigating the realm of beta testing within the medical professional community can indeed be challenging. To connect with potential beta testers discreetly, consider leveraging medical forums and online communities related to specific specialties such as cardiology, pediatrics, family medicine clinics, and Ob-gyn. Engage in discussions, subtly mentioning your project while emphasizing its relevance to their field. Incorporating valuable insights from these professionals in your testing phase will contribute to the product's refinement. You can learn more about our comprehensive medical services tailored to the Richmond, TX community at Richmond Medical Clinic.
William john
Hi Stan, Have you considered reaching out to medical associations or attending industry conferences? Also, optimizing your website for medical-specific keywords could help attract beta testers organically. By the way, for seamless medical billing solutions, check out designed to streamline your practice's financial processes effortlessly.