How to ace a launch on ProductHunt?🚀

Vasudev Soni
10 replies
I would like to ask for some suggestions/recommendations on how to create the perfect product launch on ProductHunt.


Piotr Pawłowski
It's good to build a community before the launch, so lets connect on Twitter. Drop me a DM & tell me more about your launch :)
Lodovico Sella
Hey Vasudev! You can checkout this link Some amazing tips shared by @elifduran and her team. They were #3 product of the day. 🚀🙌
Launching soon!
Engage with the community daily. Create an upcoming page before one month of launch. Share it in the community to get feedback. Create social media posts on LinkedIn &Twitter.
Vasudev Soni
@qudsia_ali thank you so much for your valuable insights. Will surely implement these.😀