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  • How often should you launch on PH?

    Yehoshua Zlotogorski
    5 replies
    Seems like Figma launches new features or icon sets on PH every month. What do you think about this? How often should companies and startups launch on PH - and what's the barrier? Is a new feature enough or do you need to have a completely new product? Bonus upvotes for people who share personal experiences relaunching products!


    Ruben Wolff
    If you're launching new exciting or revolutionary features, promote in on PH every time, it also reminds people your product exists. But the more you'll want to launch, the more you'll need to participate in the PH community
    Yehoshua Zlotogorski
    @rubenwolff @miri_blayckher Makes sense, although so many of the people I engaged with for the first launch are no longer here now that they've 'done their launch' 😅
    Ruben Wolff
    @miri_blayckher @yehoshua_zlotogorski this happens. I guess they are not planning on launching anything else anytime soon... I have to say after launching you probably have less time to spend here haha