How not to be boring, long or tedious while sharing your knowledge around you ?

matthieu T
16 replies
Looking for best practices, tips or tools 🛠️


Go write some YC applications, I bet you'll understand.
Aceel Kibbi
Hey Matthieu! Our product, Wois, can actually help with that. We're an async video platform that offers a breakdown of your speaking and communication patterns based on videos you record or upload to our platform. Our aim is to offer in-depth feedback that will allow our users to enhance their speaking skills, and avoid sounding "boring" or "tedious" as you mentioned! We have so much more to offer as well, and we so happened to have launched today! We're no. 4 on the list right now, soooo close to our goal of hitting the Top 3. Would appreciate your support and upvote! (Can't add a link here, but the link is in my profile). Download the app and let us know what you think :)
Tanya Pereira
I find that having fun discussions off and on helps... also, throw in a joke to keep your audience hooked. Good humor can go a long way.
matthieu T
@tanya_p That's a fantastic point! Engaging in lively discussions and adding a touch of humor can definitely make the learning experience more enjoyable. It not only keeps your audience hooked but also helps in breaking down complex topics into digestible bits. It aligns well with the concept of microlearning, where bite-sized, engaging content is key to fighting infobesity at work. Just like our microlearning platform encourages short and impactful learning, your approach encourages short and impactful conversations. It's a great way to promote knowledge sharing in an engaging manner. "Merci beaucoup" for sharing this insight!
matthieu T
@tanya_p Wow! Thanks a lot. Feel free to share your feedback, and let me know if you want to give a try.
Geralt Edison
Keep it short and concise.
Richard Rubenstein
Ive found using a little bit of classy humour makes things 'stick'. It also lets you stick out from others who are just trying to share without creating value. I suppose the value element in the humour is the human aspect :)
matthieu T
@heyric I completely agree! Classy humor adds a memorable touch to knowledge sharing, making it stand out and creating a valuable human connection.
Jewell Martinez
People love stories, and they are a great way to make your presentation more interesting. Use anecdotes, examples, and case studies to illustrate your points and make them more memorable.
matthieu T
@jewell_martinez Spot on! Incorporating stories, anecdotes, and real-world examples into your presentations is a fantastic way to capture your audience's attention and make your knowledge sharing more engaging and memorable. It's another effective strategy that aligns perfectly with the principles of microlearning we've been workin on!
Lina Albin
Making it applicable to your counterpart' situation is, I believe, the wisest way to spark interest. Likewise, to not get bored listening to someone sharing their knowledge, you can find a way to make it applicable to your life or centers of interest