How much do you spend on content and Ads a month (Social media content + Ads Creation)

Yahya Elfaqir
2 replies
I am researching the importance of content and Ads creation for companies and startups ranging from small to middle businesses


Alexandros Fokianos
basically zero all PLG motion let's gooooo we spend lots of time writing content, replying to users on Reddit, and building hype on the slack community for PMs we created we also built many automations that help us for this purpose and use Apollo to reach out directly so overall I'd say 150/month If you know who your ICP is and where they hang out, you don't need ads in the first years
Yahya Elfaqir
@fok96 Thanks for taking the time, so for your copywriting needs on social media, branding needs you do not commission work to agencies but rather do everything inhouse?