How much do you and your team suffer from burnout?

Anna Jefferson
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According to Haystack Analytics 83% of developers suffer from burnout. We know as developers how easy it is to get in the flow and just keep going. Some of these hours can be spent unproductively figuring out complex challenges that comes from understanding someone else’s code. What if we told you there was a way to reduce burnout, increase productivity and get through more projects quicker, how much would you pay? Introducing Bito Code Tours, coming soon to Product Hunt! Using Code Tours from Bito you can add your voice to your code, so your development team can see your instructions directly from the IDE. No more endless meetings that happen at all hours to explain your code and more time spent on more exciting, lucrative projects. So how does it work? As developers we know code isn’t built in parts, it’s a sequence. By understanding how that sequence has been written we can get on with job and spend less time searching for the answer. You can explain your code sequencing as a tour, so the next developer can press play and understand how it’s been written, directly in their IDE!
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