How many times have you launched on Product Hunt and how has every time been?

Rapti Gupta
5 replies
I’ve launched 3 times and while the first 2 times were last year and went well, this launch has been strange. What strategies have you been using that are timeless? Also please check out my launch. We’re at #10 -


Aris Nakos
First time, today. It's so energizing. Need to remind myself to drink water. On the same time, it has been a good opportunity to take a closer look at the community.
Igor Lysenko
I ran it twice on PH. And with each launch it gets better and better.
I haven't launched on Product Hunt. However, if I were to, I'd ensure each launch emphasizes its utility for Inventory management. Each launch would aim for clarity, user engagement, and addressing feedback for continual improvement.